What is Clear Guard Copper Preventive coating?
Clear Guard Copper Preventive coating is a high-performance paint that protects copper coils from corrosion & AC gas leak problems.
Sachiv Dhawan
Clear Guard Copper Preventive Coating
Clear Guard Copper Preventive Coating is a very high-performance single-step coating that blocks all corrosion-related problems arising as the result of Industrial Pollution & environment.
The clear guard copper preventive coating protects the surface from any type of attack by acid, alkali, solvents, salt & hard water on the copper surface. This eventually helps in protection from rusting & mild or severe gas leak problems.
Merits of Clear Guard Copper Preventive Coating:
Protects AC gas to leak from copper coils
Tried & tested for over 12 years
Saves the recurring cost of AC gas filling
Strong defiance of saltwater
Extremely weather resistant
Fast drying and Easy to apply
Superior resistance to wear
Excellent adhesion properties
Heat Transfer Capability
Why Clear Guard Copper Preventive Coating:
DIY - Do it yourself kit
Quality and Expertise
5000+ Satisfied Customers across India
Price - Effective cost of Clear Guard coating for 1 AC is less than INR 850, including shipping anywhere in India (4 AC Kit: INR 3,399 with shipping).
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